
12 Books in 12 Months

writing books and blogging about it


the great kindle challenge

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 12

For those who are new to The Great Kindle Challenge, I thought I would give a quick overview of how it all began before drawing my inevitable conclusions.  Most of this is copied and pasted from Wikipedia, as you can probably tell.


Once Upon A Time there was an eccentric gent who went by the name of Professor Amazon.  Like all unusual academics, he was the owner of an enormous raggle taggle white beard, and his moustache was a champion of the genre.  He wore spectacles, because genius tends to make one’s eyes a little weak, and was generally to be seen sporting the very latest in holey old jeans and slightly less holey jumpers.

Professor Amazon was the older brother of a younger sister, whose was called Praline Amazon because their parents were having an off day when they named her.  Praline had spent most of her life working very hard to show the world that she was more than just a silly name, and she founded an internet business that you may have heard of – it was called Amazon.

One day, Praline called her brother on the telephone and said to him, “Professor Amazon, I want you to invent me a thing.” Continue reading “The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 12”

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 11

My own conclusions will be forthcoming in a post tomorrow, but in the meantime why not watch this video for Alan Partridge’s views on the kindle. He’s on Twitter now, too. ( @ThisIsPartridge )

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 10

A couple of days ago I was linked to an article in The Economist suggesting that soon people will stop using shelves for books and adorn them exclusively with knick knacks, much like that old lady you used to know who kept a faux-mahogany sitting room for special occasions (like drinking chintz out of the posh tea set).  The blame for this lies squarely at the feet of ePublishing and the kindle and will lead to seven plagues and the death of literacy.  Or something.

The article touches on the matter of eBook piracy, which is a very touchy subject and is often tagged onto the End of Publishing debate without much explanation.  I’ve read articles by a few authors saying it is A Very Bad Thing, and still more articles by different authors saying that actually it can raise your profile and boost sales.  A summary googling of the topic came up with piracy articles dating back over several years, which I shall now bullet point for your indifference: Continue reading “The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 10”

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 9

This is why you'll never be my favourite Disney princess.

On several occasions in recent memory, I’ve watched with mild irritation while people risk life and limb by walking up the road with their nose in a book. 

Ordinarily I’m pro reading in public places.  It’s pretty hot, particularly if you’re reading something awesome.  Well done those people – I’m sure you know who you are.  You’ve got moxie.  

However, if you’re walking down Leith Street between 8.30 and 9am (Sheila O’Flanagan reader) or up Broughton Road just after 5pm (Terry Pratchett and Terry Goodkind man) that is a time for LOOKING WHERE YOU ARE GOING.  It is BUSY; there are lots of commuters and school children and occasional cyclists or dogs or buggies to negotiate. The fact you can read does not mean they ought to change their path to get around your meandering gait – stop being so bloody rude.

Continue reading “The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 9”

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 8

Good afternoon, internet.  Today I have a question to ask.  And here it is: who remembers their walkman?  That’s a personal cassette player, not the popular beat combo.

*Waits for people under 20 to find something else to do*

Remember how long the batteries lasted on that thing?  Pure ages, that’s how long.  They were practically furry by the time you had to replace them, unlike these new fangled MP3 players and smartphones which you have to charge every flippin’ day.  What’s all that about, eh?  Ridiculous. 

But nevermind, for I am here to tell you that the battery life of the kindle is more akin to that of the walkman than the iPhone.  I know you’ve been on tenterhooks waiting to have this confirmed, and you’re welcome. 

However, as with so much in life, this longevity has both good points and bad points.

Continue reading “The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 8”

The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 7

© John Gilchrist (

For everyone in Scotland, this is one of those days where you want to be curled up in bed with a good book.  In Edinburgh a 60 second walk along Princes Street had me looking like a drowned rat earlier; the zoo and the castle  both closed early because of the weather; and according to twitter someone on Blackford Hill measured the wind travelling at 76 miles an hour.  Truly autumn is here – if by ‘autumn’ you mean minor apocalypse.

Continue reading “The Great Kindle Challenge: Day 7”

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